Fracking Myths and Facts

There is a lot of codswallop said about fracking.

Some of it is put about by the oil and gas industry, in order to ruthlessly maximise profits.  This is similar to the tobacco companies that used to tell us that smoking was safe, or Exxon Mobil denying that fossil fuels cause climate change, when it turned out they knew the harm they were causing all along.  In fact, it is even some of the same PR companies that are being paid to do this.  Some of these myths are repeated by politicians who should know better.

Arm yourself against this industry spin and misinformation with these Fracking Myths and Facts.  Click “Myth #1” at the bottom of the page to go to the first Myth; or the image below to see all 10 Myths on one leaflet.


Myths and Facts fracking leaflet

Hear someone come out with one the common myths about fracking? Why not give them a copy of this leaflet. (Click for pdf.)


More comprehensive information and references can be found here.