There is a lot you can do to help protect East Yorkshire from the extreme fossil fuel industry.
- Get Informed. Is your area under threat? Check the map.
- Stay informed. Get the Newsletter.
- Talk to people about it. People care what their friends and peers think, so spread the word. The oil & gas companies have multi-million budgets with slick PR and powerful influence, so we need to shout to be heard. Let us know if you’d like some leaflets.
- Write to your elected representatives, and let them know supporting fracking will cost votes:
Parish Councillors
East Riding County Councillors
- Attend an Event.
- Switch energy supplier to one that doesn’t support fracking
- Record Wildlife sightings. More details.
- Get active with your local group,
or if there isn’t one yet, then get together with a few others and start a new group.
Distribute leaflets, hold a film screening, invite speakers, wave a placard, or be imaginative!
Frack Free East Yorkshire supports groups in our region and we can help you get started, so don’t hesitate to get in touch.
- If you’re not able to do the above (or even if you can) please consider making a donation.